
Nostalgia may have bona fide benefits in hard times, like the pandemic.


 Article:Nostalgia may have bona fide benefits in hard times, like the pandemic.

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Nowadays, nostalgia’s reputation is much improved. Social psychologists define the emotion — which Hofer saw as synonymous with “homesickness” — as a sentimental longing for meaningful events from one’s past. And research suggests that nostalgia can help people cope with dementiagrief and even the disorientation experienced by immigrants and refugees.

Main idea:

Nostalgia can help us be happier.

Supporting details:


When the team drilled down on the role nostalgia plays, they found people who didn't indulge in those memories were the least happy


Nostalgia can help people cope with dementia, grief and even the disorientation experienced by immigrants and refugees.



"Loneliness triggers unhappiness and nostalgia. Then unhappiness and nostalgia fight with each other," says coauthor Constantine Sedikides


says social psychologist Tim Wildschut of the university of South ampton in England. "A viral infection may make you ill, but it also activates your immune system and your immune system makes you better.

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